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Legislative Review

Your Voice in Action!

Police Accountability Reform


Instead of defunding and dismantling police agencies, Senator Warren Limmer authored the Police Accountability Law that received strong bipartisan support.


  • Prohibits police from using chokeholds and neck restraints- unless needed to preserve the life of an officer or innocent victim when all other options are exhausted.   

  • Bans law enforcement agencies from using “warrior-style” training.  

  • Makes it a duty for an officer to intervene when witnessing another using excessive force, and requires an immediate report to a superior.  

  • Includes enhanced officer training to better recognize mental health and autism issues, as well as programs for officers suffering from post-traumatic stress while on their job.

  • Adds citizen membership to new MN Police and Standards Training Board advisory task force.

Access to Quality Healthcare


We improved access to affordable health care for families, farmers, and businesses

  • Passed landmark eldercare protections & assisted living licensure. 


  • Passed Reinsurance programs stabilizing MN’s health insurance market which lowered the cost of our health insurance premiums!

  • Reduced the cost of insulin and other prescription drugs, reducing the burden for those who rely on life-saving medications.

  • Established new laws to improve drug pricing and hospital billing transparency.

  • Increased funding for existing mental health programs while providing capital for new mental health facilities.

  • Demanded more accountability from the Department of Human Services putting a stop to hundreds of millions of dollars of waste in our public health programs.            

  • Prohibited the denial of health insurance coverage to those with pre-existing conditions.

COVID-19 Relief


Governor Walz imposed Peacetime Emergency status requiring many decisions to bypass the legislature. Retaining their “power of the purse,” the legislature passed three phases of COVID-19 Response Funding:


  • Passed immediate funding for hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and care centers 

  • To purchase personal protection supplies and life-saving equipment.  

  • Other resources supported child care providers, small businesses, college students, and veterans, including funds to help stock various food banks across the state.



Senate also passed several bills to help Minnesotans deal with the crisis:


  • Assuring those without insurance NOT to be charged for screening or treatment. 

  • Requiring first responders and other health care providers are guaranteed workers' compensation insurance coverage if contracting the virus while on the job. 


Wash your hands, cover your cough, wear a mask where appropriate, and stay home if you are sick.

Funding K-12 Schools


The legislature increased the “Per-Pupil” funding formula by 2% each of the last four years, providing new resources directly into the classroom.

  • Provided critical educational programs expanding school readiness and special education.

  • Renewed MN’s focus on early reading and literacy, critical components to student’s success.

  • Reformed teacher licensure laws making it easier for schools to find and hire qualified teachers.

  • Made student and staff safety a top priority with $50-million for local districts to improve security measures in and around schools.

Lowering Your Taxes!


We delivered $650-million in tax relief for families, seniors, farmers, and small businesses.


  • Passed the first middle-class income tax cut in nearly two decades!

  • Provided a tax credit for recent college graduates paying off student loans.

  • Increased support for families struggling with the cost of childcare.

  • Delivered small business property tax cuts, helping to improve employment across the state.

  • Reduced income taxes for seniors receiving monthly Social Security checks.

Roads & Bridges


New comprehensive transportation budget secured new investment without raising gas tax or license tab fees!


  • Preserved $6-billion in funding to fix Minnesota’s crumbling roads and bridges.

  • Worked together with a bipartisan team of legislators from Maple Grove to Clearwater, coordinating efforts for I-94, six-lane expansion project.

  • Introduced and passed the Brockton Lane interchange project on I-94.

  • The chief author of Senate-passed, Hwy 610 entrance/exit ramps on I-94 (awaiting House action)

  • The chief author of Senate-passed, Rogers Pedestrian Bridge over I-94 (awaiting House action)

What We Prevented:

  • A new 20-cent per gallon tax increase

  • Billions of dollars of proposed tax increases

  • Auto license tab fees and auto sales tax increases

  • Cruel funding CUTS to nursing homes

  • Felon voting

  • Efforts to defund and dismantle MN police

  • Income tax increase

  • Making MN a Sanctuary State


With your vote this November, we can return to priorities that reinforce families, provide great jobs, and make Minnesota a better place to live.

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